A: NECK- measure close to base of neck.
B: CHEST- under armpit, at the widest part of chest; arms down.
C: WAIST- narrowest point of torso.
D: SEAT-the widest part of the hip/seat area.
E: SHOULDER- side neck to shoulder seam.
F: SLEEVE- shoulder seam to bottom of cuff (below wrist bone)
G: INSIDE LEG- from the top of your inside leg at the crotch to the floor (barefoot).
H: ACROSS BACK- Armhole to armhole, at halfway point.
I: THIGH- the widest part of the thigh.
J: OUTSIDE LEG- from the waist to the floor (barefoot) or the top of a waistband of your own trousers to your desired length.
For a centre back shirt length, measure from the collar seam to the hem of an existing shirt for your desired length.

Tips for taking measurements:
To ensure an accurate measure and a comfortable fit, please have someone else measure you.
Stand straight, but relaxed with your heels together and your arms at your sides. Do not suck in the stomach or inflate the chest.
The measuring tape should be held firmly allowing enough room for an index finger to fit between the tape and the body. The tape should be kept level.
Measurements can be taken in centimeters or inches, but be consistent to avoid confusion.
For a shirt or jacket fit you will need the measurements: A B C E F H
For trouser fit you will need the measurements: